Between Two Worlds
History and Heritage
Documentary, PG, 01-Jan-2014
Celebrating the life and works of Muhammad Knut Bernstrom, the Swedish diplomat who converted to Islam and took it upon himself to interpret the Qur'an for a contemporary Swedish readership. Combining the best of European thought with the heart of Islamic tradition, Knut Bernstrom's life is an example of how culture and religion can be aligned between East and West.
Up Next in History and Heritage
The Pilgrimage To Mecca, 1970
Swiss broadcaster, RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse, present rare archive footage from the Haram al Sharif during the Hajji pilgrimage in 1970. A fascinating view of the sacred precinct in comparison with the modernisation, development and transformation that as taken place over the decades.
Het Groote Mekka-Feest, The Great Mec...
This silent film by Georg Eduard Albert Krugers is a rare personal documentary of his journey in 1928 from Indonesia (then the Dutch East Indies) to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, with a group of pilgrims performing the Hajj. Krugers' commentary in texts on screen provides a personal commentary on the ev...