Inspiration | Season 2

Inspiration | Season 2

For the very first time in the US, a mini-series drama about the morals of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), featuring Omar Suleiman and Mohammed Zeyara

Inspiration | Season 2
  • I'm Not Like Others | Episode 1

    Zeyara struggles with drugs and coming to terms with Allah watching him at all times.

  • Where Is God | Episode 2

    We plan and Allah plans! What happens when Zeyara plans to be somewhere and ends up stuck in the bathroom. Based on a true story,

  • Little Things | Episode 3

    We often question our role in this world and belittle how meaningful our "small" contributions can be. Fatima teaches us all a special lesson here!

  • I Hate My Job | Episode 4

    Ever had a super annoying boss or co-worker? This one is funny but super meaningful in bringing the example of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to our daily interactions.

  • Her Last Wish | Episode 5

    Ever lost someone beloved to you and felt like life wasn't worth it anymore? Live in a way that they live through you.

  • Does God Hate Me | Episode 6

    Does God Hate Me? Many times we interpret hardship in our lives as God's hate, but He's really just planning for you.