Episode 28 | Spiritual Seclusion (Itikaf)
30 Lights for 30 Nights with Imam Zaid Shakir
Talk Show, Educational, 01-Jul-2015
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Itikaf (Spiritual Seclusion) is a high recommend practice for the last 10 days of Ramadan. It allows you to intensely focus on worship in the last 10 days of the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Zaytuna College aims to educate and prepare morally committed professional, intellectual, and spiritual leaders who are grounded in the Islamic scholarly tradition and conversant with the cultural currents and critical ideas shaping modern society.
Video Courtesy of Zaytuna College
Up Next in 30 Lights for 30 Nights with Imam Zaid Shakir
Hasten Through Those Gates | Episode 29
The paths and avenues to forgiveness and Mercy of God are numerous
and the Gates of Paradise are open for those who sincerely participated in this Holy month.
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Expose Yourself to the Gentle Breezes...
As Ramadan is now finishing - you can still ask Allah for forgiveness and mercy and find the Divine breezes throughout the rest of the year and be prepared for next Ramadan.
Learn more about Zaytuna College: https://www.zaytuna.edu
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